
Crafting Content for Every Generation: What You Need to Know

Creating content that resonates with your audience is essential for attracting and engaging new audiences, increasing your brand’s popularity, as well as fostering loyalty and trust. At this point you may wonder why you need to put your efforts into crafting content for every generation. Let’s explore the reasons behind that.

Reason 1. People of different ages have different interests, hobbies, needs, and purchasing behaviors. So you need to tailor your content keeping all these differences in mind to create a more driving to purchase message. The feeling that this very marketing campaign was made specially for you increases the chances you buy this exact product or purchase this service. You may need to do some research to gather valuable data and use it to create content that will resonate with the age group of your target audience you have created it for. Thus you will make posts, articles, and videos that address each generation directly by resonating with their values, interests, and buyer’s experiences. As an extra bonus you will strengthen connections between your brand and your customers.

Reason 2. Show that your company follows the passage of time and stays relevant. Since each generation has its own peculiarities, show them that you are on the same page, that you value their unique interests, preferences,and experiences. Keep in mind those can vary a lot. So be ready to invest your time in creating targeted content, but be sure your efforts will bring the desired results. 

Reason 3. Attract new audiences and expand your presence on the market. By creating compelling content you can reach and engage new audiences. Thus you will also build new and strengthen the existing connections between your brand and your customers. It will also foster loyalty and trust leading your business to noticeably increased engagement, sales and retention rates.

Now you’ve learnt the reasons behind making content to different generations. So it’s high time to discover the steps you need to take to create content that converts. Ready? Of course, you are.

  1. Understanding your target audience. This one is an unavoidable step in making your content. First, you need to learn as much as possible about your present and future consumers. To put it simply, you need to know who your target audience is and what problems you can help them to solve. Find out about their age, needs, pain points, interests, behavior patterns, goals, and possible obstacles. Then divide them into groups according to their age first. You may employ Google Analytics, Instagram and Facebook Insights, and make your own surveys, polls, or questionnaires. This way you will get the valuable data. Use it to customize your brand’s content so it meets their expectations, pain points, needs, and preferences.
  2. Choose the right platforms and formats. Your business doesn’t need to be present on all the possible social media. You may only use the channels that are relevant to your target audiences and make the content that will engage them. At this very stage you may need to tweak your posts, videos, etc. so they meet the needed format. Make use of various content types, don’t limit yourself to a few chosen ones, experiment. That will help you show that you meet and value their needs and preferences. 
  3. Foster engagement of your target audience and motivate them to interact with your company. Use it to build a community around your brand that will exhibit trust and loyalty. You may ask them questions, make polls and quizzes, reply to their comments and messages. Ask their opinion and show that you employ the results to deliver the best possible experiences, products, and services to them and to make your content better. 
  4. Monitor the results of your content marketing and be ready to make some changes if necessary. We know how difficult it is to shape a perfect content strategy and even more difficult to make it as resultative as expected. That’s why monitor and analyze the engagement of your audience and the conversion rate. 

Now you’ve learnt how to craft content for every generation and can easily do it yourself. As an extra tip we want to recommend you employ if you want to grow your YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and Apple Music accounts. The handy service will provide you with the desired number of followers, plays, and likes for a moderate price. We aren’t going to tell you much, better try yourself and enjoy the results.

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